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Minggu, 17 Februari 2013


With His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam’s consent, the Government of Brunei Darussalam is offering annual scholarships under a special scholarship award scheme, for the 2013/2014 academic session .
Tenable in Brunei Darussalam, the aim of the scholarship awards is to provide applicants, with the opportunity to study at Universiti Brunei Darussalam [UBDJ, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali [UNISSA] and Institut Teknologi Brunei [ITB].
The academic year for UBD, UNISSA and ITB commences in July / August 2013.
1.1. Applicants must be citizens of ASEAN, OIC, Commonwealth Member Countries and others and must be between the ages of 18 – 25 for undergraduate programmes and not exceeding the age of 35 for postgraduate programmes at the commencement for which the admission is applied.
1.2. The award is NOT eligible to Brunei Permanent Residents and foreigners residing in Brunei Darussalam for more than three months. However, it will be at the sole discretion of the Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship Committee to consider deserving applicants on a case-by-case basis.
2.1. The Scholarship award is normally tenable for the minimum period required to obtain the specific degree which is four years for a First Degree with Honours, one to two years for a Master’s Degree, three years for a Doctoral Degree at UBD, UNISSA and ITB, two and a half years for HND at ITB, three years for Diploma of Health Sciences at UBD, all on a full-time basis.
2.2. The Scholarship award is subject to the scholar maintaining a satisfactory conduct and a satisfactory progress in the scholar’s studies. This requires the scholar to maintain an active registration status by passing the prescribed semester examinations and obtaining the minimum course credit units. The scholarship will be reviewed at the end of every semester. Should the scholar failed to obtain the minimum course credit units or is placed in probation status, the scholarship award will be terminated and revoked .
2.3. The duration of the scholarship granted will NOT be extended in any case, and changes of institution or programme IS not permitted.
3.1. The scholars are exempted from paying the tuition fees and other appropriate compulsory fees determined by the university for the duration of the programme.
3.2. An economy class air-ticket for the most economically viable route to Brunei Darussalam from the scholar’s country of origin prior to the commencement of the course will be provided by the Government of Brunei Darussalam through the Brunei Mission Abroad . Any claims made by the scholar for the cost of airtickets which they had purchased on their own without prior consent of the Brunei Mission Abroad will not be accepted. Upon completion of the programme scholar may apply for an economy cla ss air-ticket from Brunei Darussalam to the scholar’s country of origin. No additional assistance will be provided towards other travel expenses.
3.3. Allowances payable will include:
i) Monthly personal allowance of BND500.00;
ii) Annual Book Allowance of BND600.OO;
iii) Monthly food allowance of BND150.00;
iv) Baggage allowance maximum of BND250.00 to ASEAN region and BND500.00 to ron ASEAN region upon completion of the programme only.
3.4. An accomodation at respective institution residential college is provided. If the scholar opts not to live in the provided accommodation, no additional allowance will be given in lieu of board and transport.
3.5. Only outpatient medical and/or dental treatment received at any Brunei Government hospitals are complimentary. An administrative charge will however be payable for every consultation with the government general practitioner or speciali st. Should the scholar seek further medical or dental treatments at any private hospital or clinic, all expenses are to be borne by scholars themselves.
3.6. The scholar is NOT eligible to claim any other facilities apart from those aforementioned under item 3.
Please refer to accompanying information in Appendix ‘A’ and ‘ B’, or to the following websites :
i) www.ubd.edu.bn
ii) www.unissa.edu.bn
iii) www.itb.edu.bn
5.1. Spouse and/or child allowance is not payable to the scholar. Accommodation is not provided to an accompanying family member or any other person.
5.2. This scholarship may not be held concurrently with any other scholarship, fellowship, grant or loan without the prior approval of the Government of Brunei Darussalam. This scholarship will be terminated immediately should the scholar were found to concurrently hold any other scholarship at
5.3. Under no circumstances are the scholars allowed to leave the country for more than 30 days per academic year without prior permission from the Ministry of Education of Brunei Darussalam. Failure to comply with this condition may lead to the forteiture of payments of your monthly aHowance .
5.4. The scholar may not undertake paid employment or serve on the staff of their country ‘s representative in Brunei Darussalam during the award.
5.5. The Government of Brunei Darussalam will not be responsible for securing employment for the scholar after graduation.
5.6. An applicant may be required to appear for an interview at such place(s) as may be determined by the institutions offering the programmes, and to sit a written examination to assess the scholar’s proficiency in the English Language / Malay Language / Arabic Language (where applicable).
5.7. The scholar must abide by the rules and regulations of the institution of study.
5.8. The scholarship is granted for studies in Brunei Darussalam only. The scholar may therefore not be allowed to participate in any activities under the Study Abroad Programmes as well as in any overseas activities under the “Discovery Year programme” offered by individual institutions. If the scholar wishes to participate in any of the programmes or activities, it will be on the scholar’s own expense.
5.9. The Government of Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to terminate the scholarship awarded to the scholar as recommended by their respective institution or if deemed to be justifiable.
5.10. Upon completion of the programme, the scholar is required to return to their country of origin with immediate effect.
5.11. If a scholar wishes to withdraw from the Brunei Darussalam Scholarship during the course of study, the scholar has to give one month advance notice and repay the full costs received by the scholar to the Ministry of Education of Brunei Darussalam. The scholar’s return home airfare will be on their own expense.
5.12. It is a prerequisite for the scholar to insure themselves with 24 hours travelling and health insurance for the whole duration of their stay in Brunei Darussalam at their own expense.
5.13. Applicants are required to get a security clearance statement from their National Security Agency/Police Station (i.e. clear from any civil and criminal records).
6.1. The offer is subject to the attainment of a certificate stating that scholars are medically fit to undertake the scholarship to study in Brunei Darussalam, to be issued by a qualified medical practitioner which is registered with the local Government. All charges for the medical expenses are to be borne by the scholar.
6.2. Successful applicants need to undergo health screening in Brunei Darussalam if deemed necessary bV the Government of Brunei Darussalam. In cases where the applicant does not pass the health screening, they are to return to their home country at their own expense.
The successful applicant is required to be in a possession of a passport valid for the whole duration of their study in Brunei Darussalam. Air ticket and travel-visa will be arranged at Brunei Darussalam’s Foreign Missions in the scholar’s country of origin or the closest Brunei Darussalam Mission to the country of origin.
A Student Visa will only be issued upon arrival in Brunei Darussalam.
8.1. Application forms can be obtained from the Brunei Darussalam Foreign Missions and representatives of Brunei Darussalam or from the following address:
Technical Assistance Division
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Bandar Seri Begawan BD2710
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 00-673-2261177 ext. 387/386/380/383
Fax No. 00-673-2230903
website: www.mofat.gov.bn/scholarship
Email: tad.schoJarship@mfa.gov.bn
8.2. The application form and supporting documents must be of A4 size and printed on 1 side, and then must be duly completed and endorsed by the relevant authorities of the applicants’ country of origin. Eg. Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the relevant agency responsible for the Brunei Darussalam Scholarship offers.
8.3. 3 copies of the application form and 3 copies of the supporting documents must be submitted to Technical Assistant Division or the Brunei Mission in your country of origin or the closest Brunei
9.1. Completed application forms, together with certified copies of relevant certificates and documents, must reach the Technical Assistance Division not later than 14 February 2013 . Extension will not be granted. Incomplete application form submitted will not be considered.
9.2. The awarding body reserves the right to reject any applicants. Award will not be made if there are no applicant with sufficient merit.
The decision of candidate selection is final. Enquiries or disputed of decision made will not be
Permanent Secretary (Higher Education)
Ministry of Education
Brunei Darussalam
Source : http://www.mofat.gov.bn/index.php/bd-scholarship-2013-2014


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