Terminal problems with the electric car! No nuclear future? except the UK?
“… According to the WSJ Environmental Capitol blog, Lux Research, a research and consulting firm that specializes in providing strategic analysis related to emerging technologies, believes high battery price, low oil prices, and low demand for new cars could limit the growth of hybrid electric cars.…”
DROID DNA hits the stores with Verizon while Deluxe shows some class
Verizon launches the HTC DROID DNA – the world’s first phone with a 1080p screen. The device goes for $199 with a two-year contract and $599.99 off the shelf with no contract.
Lucky Numbers 2012 FIM Enduro World Championship
This weekend sees the launch of the 2012 FIM Enduro World Championship season with the first event in Talca, Chile. To celebrate such joyous news, we’re breaking down the competition to its vital statistics….
Breaking: Black pro-lifer files lawsuit against NAACP
WASHINGTON, D.C., February 6, 2013, (LifeSiteNews.com) – The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People threatened with legal action Ryan Bomberger for using its name and trademark to oppose abortion. Now the chief creative officer of The Radiance Foundation is fighting back..
Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013
Iran discovers more uranium ore. . .
Miserable destruction
'Miserable destruction': N. Korea threatens US over joint drills with Seoul
source : http://rt.com/news/north-korea-drills-threat-330/
Rabu, 20 Februari 2013
Teen Health
Teen weight loss: Healthy habits count
Healthy habits are the key to teen weight loss. Show your teen the way with this practical plan for success.
By Mayo Clinic staffHave a heart-to-heart
Dispute unrealistic images
Resist quick fixes
Promote activity
Suggest breakfast
Encourage smart snacking
- Frozen grapes
- Oranges, strawberries or other fresh fruit
- Sliced red, orange or yellow peppers
- Cherry tomatoes
- Baby carrots
- Low-fat yogurt or pudding
- Pretzels
- Graham crackers
- String cheese
Watch portion sizes
Count liquid calories
Make it a family affair
- Stock up on fruits, veggies and whole grains. Keep these foods in plain sight, and be sure to set a good example yourself.
- Leave junk food at the grocery store. Healthy foods sometimes cost more, but it's an important investment.
- Keep food in the kitchen. Eat at the kitchen counter or table — not on the couch while watching TV or playing computer or video games.
- Limit screen time. Trade screen time for family activities, such as playing catch or hiking.
- Don't focus on food. Make physical activity a topic of family conversations, rather than what or how much anyone is eating.
Be positive
Selasa, 19 Februari 2013
Teen Health
Teen smoking: How to help your teen quit ?
Want to stop teen smoking? Follow this no-nonsense approach, from setting a good example to making a plan and celebrating success.
Set a good example
Start talking
Encourage your teen to share his or her concerns
- Smoking gives you bad breath.
- Smoking makes your clothes and hair smell.
- Smoking turns your teeth and fingernails yellow.
- Smoking causes wrinkles.
- Smoking leaves you with a hacking cough.
- Smoking zaps your energy for sports and other activities.
Help your teen make a plan
- Put it on paper. Encourage your teen to write down why he or she wants to stop smoking. The list can help your teen stay motivated when temptation arises.
- Set a quit date. Help your teen choose a date to stop smoking. Avoid placing the stop date during a stressful time, such as final exams.
- Hang out with friends who don't smoke. Would your teen's friends support your teen's stop-smoking plan? Would they try to stop smoking, too? If your teen feels pressured to smoke, encourage him or her to get involved in new activities. Making new friends who don't smoke could make it easier to avoid friends who aren't willing to stop smoking.
- Practice saying no. Peer pressure to smoke might be inevitable, but your teen doesn't need to give in. Help your teen practice saying, "No thanks, I don't smoke."
- Be prepared for cravings. Remind your teen that if he or she can hold out long enough — usually just a few minutes — the nicotine craving will pass. Suggest taking a few deep breaths. Offer sugarless gum, cinnamon sticks, toothpicks or straws to help your teen keep his or her mouth busy.
- Consider stop-smoking products. Although nicotine replacement products — such as nicotine gums, patches, inhalers or nasal sprays — weren't designed for teens, they might be helpful in some cases. Ask your teen's doctor which options might be best for your teen.
- Seek support. Contact a tobacco-cessation specialist. A tobacco-cessation specialist can give your teen the tools and support he or she needs to stop smoking. Some hospitals and local organizations offer stop-smoking groups just for teens. You might look for teen groups online, too. Web-based programs can also provide support for your teen whenever he or she needs it.
Senin, 18 Februari 2013
Hot Games in 2013
-NA February 5, 2013
-AU February 7, 2013 (PC)
-EU February 8, 2013
-AU February 15, 2013
Platform: PS3, XBOX360, PC
Developer: Visceral Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Survival horror, third-person shooter
Mode: Single-player, co-op
Engine: Visceral Engine
Bali Island
The Amazing Bali island
As you stumble upon the exquisite little offerings left all over the island that materialise as if by magic, you’ll see that the tiny tapestry of colours and textures is a metaphor for Bali itself.Small obviously doesn’t mean limited. The manic whirl of Kuta segues into the luxury of Seminyak. The artistic swirl of Ubud is a counterpoint to misty treks amid the volcanoes. Mellow beach towns like Amed, Lovina and Pemuteran can be found right round the coast and just offshore is the laid-back idyll of Nusa Lembongan.
- Climb volcanoes and meet Komodo dragons
- Cruise across the Bandung Strait
- Trek from Jakarta to Ubud in 2 weeks
- Experience Bali in 8 days
Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/indonesia/bali#ixzz2LK5Vaj9M
Minggu, 17 Februari 2013
The Beautiful Karimun Jawa Islands
New Blackberry !!
Have you ever wondered how much it actually costs to make a Blackberry Z10 device (or any smartphone in general)? CNN Money has provided the estimated pricing of each of the Blackberry Z10′s components, and how much it all adds up to. The teardown is provided by UBM TechInsights and they go through the cost of the display, processor, cameras, storage space, battery, communication chips, ram, and other components.
Safety Riding Tips
Safe riding - beginners and experienced riders alike!
After a long winter, your riding skills are probably a bit rusty and a refresher isn't a bad idea-for everyone-new and experienced riders alike. This is especially important considering that 234 motorcyclists died in Canada in 2005, according to Transport Canada. So with safety on the mind then, one of the best ways to stay safe is to take a rider training course-courses are available for all levels; beginners, intermediate and experienced riders with many years of riding under their belt. One such example, is a program called "Gearing Up". This rider program is recognized by the motorcycle industry, federal and provincial governments, insurers and private organizations across Canada. Since 1974, people from across the country have learned how to ride, and maintain their rider skills, through this Canada Safety Council program. Here are some other important tips to help you get ready, and keep you safe.
Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013
Nutrisi untuk Otak Manusia
Menu sehat untuk daya ingat atau "Brain Food" diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan sel-sel otak. Gizi dan nutrisi dari makanan terbaik, bisa meningkatkan konsentrasi berpikir dan memperbaiki fungsi sel otak.
Berikut ini adalah 10 jenis makanan yang perlu anda konsumsi, untuk perkembangan dan pertumbuhan sel otak :
1. Salmon
Ikan berlemak seperti salmon merupakan sumber terbaik asam lemak omega 3, DHA dan EPA yang keduanya penting bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fungsi otak. Riset terbaru juga menunjukkan bahwa orang yang memperoleh asupan asam lemak lebih banyak memiliki pikiran lebih tajam dan mencatat hasil memuaskan dalam uji kemampuan. Menurut para ahli walaupun tuna mengandung asam omega-3, namun ikan ini tidaklah sekaya salmon.
2. Sayuran Berwarna
Sel-sel otak akan lebih kuat dan sehat dengan sumber antioksidan dari berbagai sayuran yang kaya akan nutrisi. Misalnya tomat, ubi jalar merah, labu, wortel, bayam.
3. Selai Kacang
Untuk perlindungan, membran-membran sel saraf membutuhkan antioksidan. Vitamin E pada kacang tanah dan selai kacang merupakan sumber antioksidan. Bersama thiamin, vitamin E membantu otak dan sistem saraf dalam penggunaan glukosa untuk kebutuhan energi.
4. Aneka Kacang
Protein dan karbohidrat kompleks terdapat pada kacang. Kacang merupakan makanan yang baik untuk otak karena dapat mempertahankan energi dan kemampuan berpikir anak-anak pada puncaknya di sore hari jika dikonsumsi saat makan siang. Menurut hasil penelitian, kacang merah dan kacang pinto mengandung lebih banyak asal lemak omega 3 daripada jenis kacang lainnya khususnya ALA - jenis asal omega-3 yang penting bagi pertumbuhan dan fungsi otak. Selain itu, kacang kaya akan kandungan serat, vitamin dan mineral.
Kamis, 07 Februari 2013
Badan Amal Mahasiswa Independen
Badan Amal Mahasiswa TIMITI-17 adalah sebuah Lembaga Sosial Keagamaan Berbasis Informasi Dan Teknologi yang bergerak dibidang:
a. Bantuan beasiswa,
b. Kewirausahaan,
c. Biaya pengobatan bagi yg tak mampu,
d. Bencana alam, dan
e. Anak jalanan.
Lembaga ini didirikan oleh Bapak Junaidi,S.Ag,M.Hum bersama mahasiswa-mahasiswa STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta Angkatan 2012.
Visi :
“Menjadi Lembaga Sosial yang Amanah, Transparan dan Profesional serta Mampu mengambil Peran dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat”
Misi :
1. Meningkatkan kesadaran mahasiswa akan pentingnya berinfaq, shodaqoh dan zakat.
2. Menumbuh kembangkan pengelola/amil zakat yang amanah, transparan, profesional, dan terintegrasi.
3. Berperan serta dalam penanganan musibah bencana alam, pemberian bantuan beasiswa serta kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan sosial.
4. Memaksimalkan peran zakat dalam menanggulangi kemiskinan di Indonesia melalui sinergi dan koordinasi dengan lembaga terkait.