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Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Iran discovers more uranium ore. . .

Iran discovers more uranium ore and chooses sites for new nuclear plants

Unconfirmed find would treble country's estimated supply of raw uranium

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (centre) inspects the Natanz nuclear enrichment plant. Photograph: Handout/EPA

Iran has announced the discovery of new deposits of raw uranium to feed its nuclear programme and has identified sites for 16 more nuclear power stations, just days before talks with Western powers over its disputed atomic programme.
The Iran Atomic Energy Organisation report cited by the state news agency, IRNA, on Saturday said the deposits had been found in "southern coastal areas" and had trebled the amount outlined in previous estimates.
There was no independent confirmation but Western experts had previously thought that Iran, with few uranium mines of its own, may be close to exhausting its supply of raw uranium.
Diplomats say the US, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany, the "P5+1", are set to offer Iran some relief from their sanctions at the talks in Kazakhstan on Tuesday if it agrees to curb its production of higher-grade enriched uranium.
The West says the production demonstrates Tehran's intent to develop nuclear weapons capability, an allegation which Iran denies.
The enriched uranium required for use in nuclear reactors or weapons is produced in centrifuges that spin uranium hexafluoride gas at high speeds. The uranium hexafluoride is derived from yellowcake, a concentrate from uranium ore.
Iran's reserves of raw uranium stood at around 4,400 tonnes taking into account discoveries over the past 18 months, IRNA quoted the report as saying.
The report also said 16 sites had been identified for the construction of nuclear power stations.
It did not specify the exact locations but said they included coastal areas of the Gulf, Sea of Oman, Khuzestan province and coastal areas of the Caspian Sea.

Miserable destruction

'Miserable destruction': N. Korea threatens US over joint drills with Seoul

State media film a rocket carried by a military vehicle during a military parade to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Kim Il-sung in Pyongyang April 15, 2012. (Reuters/Bobby Yip)

North Korea has warned the US military against conducting scheduled joint drills with South Korean troops, accusing them of “igniting war” and threatening them with “miserable destruction.”

"If your side ignites a war of aggression by staging the reckless joint military exercises...at this dangerous time, from that moment your fate will be hung by a thread with every hour," Pak Rim-su, chief delegate of the North Korean military mission to the inter-Korean truce village said.
In a phone message to Gen. James Thurman, the commander of the US Forces Korea, Pak said that“those igniting a war are destined to meet a miserable destruction.”  The message was quoted by the Korean Central News Agency on Saturday.
The US-South Korean Combined Forces Command annual drill is scheduled to kick off on March 11. The command post exercise, Key Resolve will involve 10,000 South Korean and 3,500 US troops.
Another joint military exercise, Foal Eagle, one of the largest military exercises in the world, will include about 200,000 Korean troops and 10,000 US forces. The two-month exercise starting March 1 includes involving land, sea and air maneuvers.
Pyongyang also vowed to modernize and expand its nuclear activities if the US “fails to choose a correct policy,” KCNA reported on Saturday.
The drills and the warning come at the times when the tensions between Seoul and Pyongyang keep rising. Following North Korea’s recent announcement of a successful third nuclear test, South Korean media said Seoul has the capability to produce a nuclear weapon within six months.
The two countries are technically still at war, as the conflict between them in 1950-53 ended in a truce, not a peace agreement.
The latest North Korean nuclear test has also alarmed the US, with Washington calling it a threat to national security and threatening “swift and credible action.”
North Korean nuclear activities have been condemned by the UN and many Western nations. Several rounds of sanctions have been imposed on Pyongyang, causing economic isolation.
Meanwhile, North Korea is showing no remorse. Instead Pyongyang blasted the US with its propaganda videos. One of them features US President Barack Obama and American soldiers through a background of flames and ends up with a simulation of a nuclear explosion underground.
"The North's high-level nuclear test aimed at US invaders is a nuclear deterrent to safeguard our sovereignty," one of the captions in the video read.

source : http://rt.com/news/north-korea-drills-threat-330/

Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Teen Health

Teen weight loss: Healthy habits count

Healthy habits are the key to teen weight loss. Show your teen the way with this practical plan for success.

By Mayo Clinic staff
Teenage obesity is a dangerous — and widespread — problem. Like any weight-loss challenge, there's no magic bullet for teen weight loss. Still, there's plenty you can do to help. Start by encouraging your teen to adopt healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

Have a heart-to-heart

If your teen is overweight, he or she is probably as concerned about the excess weight as you are. Aside from lifelong health risks such as high blood pressure and diabetes, the social and emotional fallout of being overweight can be devastating for a teenager. It can also be frustrating to attempt weight loss and have poor results. Offer support and gentle understanding — and a willingness to help your teen manage the problem.
You might say, "I can't change your weight. That's up to you. But I can help you make the right decisions."

Dispute unrealistic images

Weight and body image can be delicate issues, especially for teenage girls. When it comes to teen weight loss, remind your teen that there's no single ideal weight and no perfect body. The right weight for one person might not be the right weight for another.
Rather than talking about "fat" and "thin," encourage your teen to focus on practicing the behaviors that promote a healthy weight and satisfaction with body size and shape. Your family doctor can help set realistic goals for body mass index and weight based on your teen's age, height and general health.

Resist quick fixes

Help your teen understand that losing weight — and keeping it off — is a lifetime commitment. Fad diets can rob your growing teen of iron, calcium and other essential nutrients. Weight-loss pills and other quick fixes don't address the root of the problem and could pose risks of their own. Even then, the effects are often short-lived. Without a permanent change in habits, any lost weight is likely to return — and then some.

Promote activity

Teens need about 60 minutes of physical activity a day — but that doesn't necessarily mean 60 solid minutes at a stretch. Shorter, repeated bursts of activity during the day can help burn calories, too.
Team sports through school or community programs are great ways to get active. If your teen isn't an athlete or is hesitant to participate in certain sports, that's OK. Encourage him or her to walk, bike or in-line skate to school, or to walk a few laps through the halls before class. Suggest trading an hour of after-school channel surfing for shooting baskets in the driveway, jumping rope or walking the dog. Even household chores and video games that require physical movement can help your teen burn calories.

Suggest breakfast

If your teen fights the alarm clock the way it is, asking him or her to get up even earlier to eat breakfast might be a tough sell — but it's important. A nutritious breakfast will give your teen energy to face the day ahead. Even better, it might keep your teen from eating too much later in the day.
If your teen resists high-fiber cereal or whole-wheat toast, suggest last night's leftovers. Even a piece of string cheese or a small handful of nuts and a piece or two of fruit can do the job.

Encourage smart snacking

It can be tough to make healthy choices when vending machines and fast food abound, but it's possible. Encourage your teen to replace even one bag of chips or order of fries a day with a healthier grab-and-go option from home:
  • Frozen grapes
  • Oranges, strawberries or other fresh fruit
  • Sliced red, orange or yellow peppers
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Baby carrots
  • Low-fat yogurt or pudding
  • Pretzels
  • Graham crackers
  • String cheese

Watch portion sizes

When it comes to portions, size matters. Encourage your teen to scale back, eat slowly, and stop eating when he or she is full — both at home and away from home. It might take just one slice of pizza or half the pasta on the plate to feel full. An occasional indulgence is OK, but even then there's no shame in sharing a meal, ordering a smaller portion or skipping dessert.

Count liquid calories

The calories in soda, fruit juice, sports drinks and specialty coffees can add up quickly. Drinking water instead of soda and other sugary drinks might spare your teen hundreds of calories a day — or even more. For variety, suggest calorie-free flavored water or seltzer water.

Make it a family affair

Rather than singling out your teen, adopt healthier habits as a family. After all, eating healthier foods and getting more exercise is good for everyone — and research suggests that family involvement has a significant effect on childhood weight management.
For example:
  • Stock up on fruits, veggies and whole grains. Keep these foods in plain sight, and be sure to set a good example yourself.
  • Leave junk food at the grocery store. Healthy foods sometimes cost more, but it's an important investment.
  • Keep food in the kitchen. Eat at the kitchen counter or table — not on the couch while watching TV or playing computer or video games.
  • Limit screen time. Trade screen time for family activities, such as playing catch or hiking.
  • Don't focus on food. Make physical activity a topic of family conversations, rather than what or how much anyone is eating.

Be positive

Being overweight doesn't inevitably lead to a lifetime of low self-esteem. Still, your acceptance is critical. Listen to your teen's concerns. Comment on his or her efforts, skills and accomplishments. Make it clear that your love is unconditional — not dependent on weight loss.
If your teen is struggling with low self-esteem or isn't able to cope with his or her weight in a healthy manner, consider a support group, formal weight-control program or professional counseling. Additional support can give your teen the tools to counter social pressure, cultivate more positive self-esteem, and take control of his or her weight. The benefits will last a lifetime.

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Teen Health

Teen smoking: How to help your teen quit ?

Want to stop teen smoking? Follow this no-nonsense approach, from setting a good example to making a plan and celebrating success.

If you find your teen smoking, take it seriously. Stopping teen smoking in its tracks is the best way to promote a lifetime of good health.Teen smoking is a big deal. After all, teens who smoke are likely to turn into adults who smoke.

Set a good example

As a parent, you're one of the most powerful influences in your teen's life — and your actions speak louder than your words. If you smoke, don't expect your teen to stop smoking. Your teen likely interprets your smoking as an endorsement for the behavior. Instead, ask your doctor about stop-smoking products and other resources to help you stop smoking.
In the meantime, don't smoke in the house, in the car or in front of your teen, and don't leave cigarettes where your teen might find them. Explain how unhappy you are with your smoking, and why it's so important to you to quit.

Start talking

You could simply tell your teen to stop smoking. It's an important message. But commands, threats and ultimatums aren't likely to work. Instead of getting angry, be curious and supportive. Ask your teen what made him or her start smoking. Perhaps your teen is trying to fit in at school, or maybe your teen thinks that smoking will help relieve stress. Sometimes teen smoking is an attempt to feel cool or more grown-up.
Once you understand why your teen is smoking, you'll be better equipped to address smoking as a potential problem — as well as help your teen eventually stop smoking.

Encourage your teen to share his or her concerns

Although the consequences of smoking — such as cancer, heart attack and stroke — are real, they're probably beyond the realm of your teen's concern.
Rather than lecturing your teen on the long-term dangers of smoking, ask your teen what he or she considers the negative aspects of smoking. Once your teen has had his or her say, offer your own list of negatives. Consider appealing to your teen's vanity:
  • Smoking gives you bad breath.
  • Smoking makes your clothes and hair smell.
  • Smoking turns your teeth and fingernails yellow.
  • Smoking causes wrinkles.
  • Smoking leaves you with a hacking cough.
  • Smoking zaps your energy for sports and other activities.
Of course, smoking is also expensive. Prompt your teen to calculate the weekly, monthly or yearly cost of smoking. You might compare the cost of smoking with electronic devices, clothes or other items your teen considers important.

Help your teen make a plan

Teens can become addicted to nicotine surprisingly quickly — sometimes within just a few weeks of experimenting with smoking. While many teens who smoke think they can stop anytime, research shows this isn't usually true.
When you talk to your teen about stopping smoking, ask if any of his or her friends have tried to stop smoking. Consider why they were — or weren't — successful. Then ask your teen which stop-smoking strategies he or she thinks might be most helpful. Offer your own suggestions as well:
  • Put it on paper. Encourage your teen to write down why he or she wants to stop smoking. The list can help your teen stay motivated when temptation arises.
  • Set a quit date. Help your teen choose a date to stop smoking. Avoid placing the stop date during a stressful time, such as final exams.
  • Hang out with friends who don't smoke. Would your teen's friends support your teen's stop-smoking plan? Would they try to stop smoking, too? If your teen feels pressured to smoke, encourage him or her to get involved in new activities. Making new friends who don't smoke could make it easier to avoid friends who aren't willing to stop smoking.
  • Practice saying no. Peer pressure to smoke might be inevitable, but your teen doesn't need to give in. Help your teen practice saying, "No thanks, I don't smoke."
  • Be prepared for cravings. Remind your teen that if he or she can hold out long enough — usually just a few minutes — the nicotine craving will pass. Suggest taking a few deep breaths. Offer sugarless gum, cinnamon sticks, toothpicks or straws to help your teen keep his or her mouth busy.
  • Consider stop-smoking products. Although nicotine replacement products — such as nicotine gums, patches, inhalers or nasal sprays — weren't designed for teens, they might be helpful in some cases. Ask your teen's doctor which options might be best for your teen.
  • Seek support. Contact a tobacco-cessation specialist. A tobacco-cessation specialist can give your teen the tools and support he or she needs to stop smoking. Some hospitals and local organizations offer stop-smoking groups just for teens. You might look for teen groups online, too. Web-based programs can also provide support for your teen whenever he or she needs it.
If your teen slips, remain supportive. Congratulate your teen on the progress he or she has made so far, and encourage your teen not to give up. Help your teen identify what went wrong and what to do differently next time.
Above all, celebrate your teen's success. You might offer a favorite meal for a smoke-free day, a new shirt for a smoke-free week or a party with nonsmoking friends for a smoke-free month. Rewards and positive reinforcement can help your teen maintain the motivation to stop smoking for good.

Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Hot Games in 2013

[PS3 / XBOX360] DEAD SPACE 3 "Take Down the Terror Together"

-NA February 5, 2013
-AU February 7, 2013 (PC)
-EU February 8, 2013
-AU February 15, 2013
Platform: PS3, XBOX360, PC
Developer: Visceral Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Survival horror, third-person shooter
Mode: Single-player, co-op
Engine: Visceral Engine

Synopsis :
Two months after escaping the Sprawl, Isaac Clarke and Ellie Langford encounter Sgt. John Carver, a survivor of a Necromorph incident on the planet Uxor and discover Tau Volantis, a frozen planet where the ruins of another planetkracker ship are found. Realizing that these miners had found the "source" of the Markers, the group tries to land on the frigid planet; however, the ship breaks apart upon entry, and Ellie is separated from the others. As a result, Isaac resolves to save her along with his original goal of stopping the Markers. Many of the obstacles the two must face include a new human enemy, Unitologist soldiers; environmental hazards like falling machinery and a giant mining drill; and new variants of Necromorph, like the giant insect-esque Nexus and the more deceptive Wasters.

Screenshots and video :

Bali Island

The Amazing Bali island

Bali may be small in size – you can drive around the entire coast in one long day – but its prominence as a destination is huge, and rightfully so. Ask travellers what Bali means to them and you’ll get as many answers as there are flowers on a frangipani tree. Virescent rice terraces, pulse-pounding surf, enchanting temple ceremonies, mesmerising dance performances and ribbons of beaches are just some of the images people cherish.

As you stumble upon the exquisite little offerings left all over the island that materialise as if by magic, you’ll see that the tiny tapestry of colours and textures is a metaphor for Bali itself.Small obviously doesn’t mean limited. The manic whirl of Kuta segues into the luxury of Seminyak. The artistic swirl of Ubud is a counterpoint to misty treks amid the volcanoes. Mellow beach towns like Amed, Lovina and Pemuteran can be found right round the coast and just offshore is the laid-back idyll of Nusa Lembongan.
As you stumble upon the exquisite little offerings left all over the island that materialise as if by magic, you’ll see that the tiny tapestry of colours and textures is a metaphor for Bali itself.
And those are just some of the more obvious qualities. A visit to Bali means that you are in the most visitor-friendly island of Indonesia. There are pleasures of the body, whether a massage on the beach or a hedonistic interlude in a sybaritic spa. Shopping that will put ‘extra bag’ at the top of your list. Food and drink ranging from the freshest local cuisine bursting with the flavours of the markets to food from around the globe, often prepared by chefs and served in restaurants that are world class. From a cold Bintang at sunset to an epic night clubbing in Kuta, your social whirl is limited only by your own fortitude.
Ready to go?

These tours & activities make it easy:

Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/indonesia/bali#ixzz2LK5Vaj9M

Links :

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

The Beautiful Karimun Jawa Islands

Karimun Jawa Islands

The Karimunjawa archipelago is situated in the Java Sea, 45 nautical miles away from Jepara Regency and 60 Nautical miles from Semarang, the capital city of Central Java Province. Karimunjawa is known for its amazing fringing coral reefs, diving sites, and sandy beaches. The reefs are a combination of fringing, barrier, and patch with bottom depths ranging from 15 to 40 meters. 

Karimunjawa archipelago consists of 27 islands scattered along the Java Sea. Five of them, namely Karimunjawa, Kemujan, Parang, Nyamuk and Genting, are inhabited. The area is 111,625 acres in width, consists of 7,033 acres of land and 104,592 acres of water; Most of the islands are untouched and beautiful, where visitors can indulge in diving, fishing and sunbathing.

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